Company Introduction

Established in September 2005, Shiwen Management Company is a professional talent management consulting and training company. The company extensively draws on the most advanced achievements in international psychology and focuses on the research, development, and application promotion of talent personality assessments. China has the largest population in the world, but its per capita gross domestic product ranks after one hundred other countries. To narrow the gap with developed countries quickly, it is necessary to fully tap into the potential of human resources and transform the population issue into a talent resource. While investment in the education sector is important, it is even more crucial to allocate human resources reasonably.

People have vastly different personalities shaped by both innate genes and life experiences, forming each person's unique 'character.' There are several studies internationally that have proven that people with different personalities are suitable for different careers and jobs. When engaged in a profession that aligns with their personality, individuals can be proactive, happy, and demonstrate higher levels of commitment and loyalty. They can unleash more of their potential, handle higher levels of stress and workloads, and maintain relatively higher levels of physical and mental health. Conversely, if someone engages in a job that doesn't align with their personality, unprecedented stress, depression, frustration, discomfort, helplessness, and other negative emotions can overwhelm them, ultimately affecting both the quality of work and individual health.

Leveraging the research of psychologists and human resources experts from China, Singapore, the United States, and the United Kingdom, Shiwen Management has independently developed a new generation of DISC talent personality assessment system—Goodisc system, based on Dr. William Marston's DISC theory from 1926. Goodisc system is not only aimed at the corporate world but also at the education and training sectors and people's daily lives.

Company Vision

To unleash the fullest potential of every individual in the world.

Company Mission

To help every person understand themselves and understand others.

Core Values

There is no perfect individual, only a perfect team.

Company Goal

Let every Chinese know their own personality code, improve and optimize China's human resource allocation, and improve the quality of Chinese people's work and life.

Contact Us

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Shanghai Headquaters

Address: Room 2615, No. 899 Lingling Road (Feizhou International Plaza), Xuhui District, Shanghai
Post Code:200030